Monday, August 16, 2010


INTRODUCTION Bissmillahirrohmannirrohim, with  praises of Allah the Almighty and the peace of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW to behold, we are being started planting tree planting greening the  (Anthochephlus Cadamba) in the region Propinsi Propinsi West Java and Central Java. In line with the development environment in the era of globalization and the economic growth area in particular has led to people's purchasing power capacity needs - the needs, the needs of both primary and secondary nature. Potential and the need for forest products, especially wood (Anthochephlus Cadamba) starting from the surrounding area has become a destination market in both domestic and external economic developments affect the income of the community and in particular and the Indonesian people in general. The logical to meet the needs of primary and secondary, as the demand is not very important in meeting the needs of other sectors, has led us PT. KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA to develop and greening the environment by planting trees (Anthochephlus Cadamba) in agribusiness with a system of mutually beneficial results for farmers building manager or the environment. The concept of agribusiness wood  (Anthochephlus Cadamba) is a concept for the results that have been there with the assumption that the development of greening the medium agribusiness management system. However, look at the prospects and response and consumer produsen wood Anthochephlus Cadamba that have not closed the possibility of ruling that will lead to future expansion of agribusiness Anthochephlus Cadamba timber forest products as alternatives to class among the under or over who want agribusiness timber forest products as an alternative Anthochephlus Cadamba at all, especially among district to boost the economy without damaging the environment in the era of global warming. This is possible due to support human resources and natural areas in particular are supporting. Project agribusiness Anthochephlus Cadamba timber forest products by PT. KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA already started long ago. Initially proyek agribusiness to run according to pogress expected but the process we have further constraints money's management to be able to extend project agribusiness and finally the development of agribusiness sector timber forest products such Anthochephlus Cadamba hard to expansion.


Planting (Anthochephlus Cadamba)As for the location of timber planting Anthochephlus Cadamba current concern on the location of hills, the mountains of building farmer's land, where the location is very vulnerable to natural disasters such as floods, erosion, drought and locations where natural disasters often occur as a result of wild harvesting.


According to the target market to achieve that is more oriented on the market segment and the middle class, PT. KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA a developer and further development of greening is oriented in the class seeding
Anthochephlus Cadamba tree wood is Anthochephlus Cadamba the nurturing of the environment-friendly fertilizers that can short of the age the harvest or thinning time. After our team to do comparative study, whereas the article of fertilizer that we applied in the planting location is fertilizer with trademark "Nongfeng.


Marketing AspectIn accordance with Article marketing has been set, the target market is the market that will reach the middle class and above. So thus the side of marketing strategy is to make local entrepreneurs and providing timber other countrys moving to establish a mutually beneficial partnership. Because of the wood is light brown and quite white without any visible fiber, it is necessary anthochephalus cadamba wood plywood industry (plywood), furniture industry, Pulp, produsen fruit boxes, children's toys, matches, pickup shoes, board. This will result in timber marketing anthochephalus cadamba never have trouble.


Similarly, the importance of lands and licensing for the PT. KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA for the development of agribusiness in the timber forest produce in a given area of anthochephalus cadamba to the implementation aspects of concern to the licensing and legalitas land first, and from these results it was found that it is not contrary to the rules occur.
From the side of land licensing is land owned by farmers built a legitimate and already has approval from the central and local government for planting timber trees type (Anthochephlus Cadamba). This will facilitate us in the transaction and settlement administration in all sectors.


PT KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA an management team that is moving as agribusiness flourish, from the long side of history is not yet formed. But with the experience and capabilities of our team have long experience as a flourish, particularly the expansion of agribusiness. Until the ability of both sides and quality of human resources supporting capacity without a doubt. Experience in developing agribusiness is optimism that has carried us to be able to resolve the agribusiness partnership program anthocephalus cadamba wood forest products with good qualities, can satisfy the various parties and will hopefully be resolved right time.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Family: Rubiaceae, Synonyms: Anthocephalus cadamba Auct., A.cadamba (Roxb.) Miq., A. A. indicus Rich., A.morindaefolius Korth. , Local Name: Kadam (India, France and trade names); Kelampayan, Kawak, Jabon (Indonesia). Distribution and Habitat ,natural distribution in the start of India, Nepal and India, to Thailand and Indochina and eastern Malayan Islands to Papua New Guinea. This plant has been introduced in Africa and Central America and able to adapt well. ,In Indonesia, these plants are on the island of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sumbawa and Irian Jaya. , It is a typical pioneer plants and common in secondary forest. The kind that requires light and is not tolerant of cold weather. In its natural distribution, these plants grow well at altitude of 0000-1000 m above sea level with an average rainfall of more than 1500 mm / year, on clay, Podsolic chocolate, and there is generally a moist alluvium along the river that beraerasi good. , However Anthocephalus cadamba can also grow in dry areas with rainfall at least 200 mm / year and also tolerant of periodic inundation of water conditions. , Always green. In the wild the tree can reach 45 m high with a diameter of more than 100 cm, while the free boundary of its branches reaching up to 25 m. At the age of 3 years can reach 17 m high with a diameter of 30 cm. Canopy shape like an umbrella with a branching system that is not circular with thick leaves with a length of 13-32 cm. Orange flowers are small, valvate meetings, round. Trunk straight cylindrical and does not buttress. The wood is creamy white to reddish brown.
Anthocephalus cadamba, relatively unheard of farmers engaged in cultivation of cash crops in the region. In fact, the tree named latin antochepalus cadamba have high economic value. Anthocephalus cadamba tree logs, among others, could be utilized as raw material for plywood, vinir, parking wood, plywood, furniture. In fact, it is said the quality of timber produced better than falcataria tree. At least, Anthocephalus cadamba could be an alternative for farmers to replace crops that sengon tumor rust disease. To introduce the tree of Anthocephalus cadamba, PT KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA cooperate with the first residents have conducted tree planting Anthocephalus cadamba in several District in Ciamis, Cilacap other districts also. The plan, broad-leaved tree will be planted only in the area of 50 hectares spread over Ciherang Village, padaherang, and Banjarsari. Planting location is land owned by citizens, but on the basis of the demand for crops such Anthocephalus cadamba we were being planted around 120 hectares of land ranging from 100 000 trees in the built farming communities. Planting Anthocephalus cadamba a forest development program in partnership with instansinya. Menaman society on their own land, while PT. KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA help seed and fertilizer. Anthocephalus cadamba plants chosen because it is fast growing (in about five years, can be harvested with trunk diameters over 30 cm and has a height of up to 18 meters). Plants have a cylindrical rod, with a relatively good level of alignment and no need to prune tree branches, leaves shed because of the character itself. Plants have a cream-colored wood, smooth texture, and easy to peel. Quality''trees tend to do better, than other tree. Within five years, farmers are expected to reap the benefits of hundreds of millions. We are optimistic, Anthocephalus cadamba plant has good prospects ahead. Moreover, Indonesia's wood needs currently about 18 million m3 per year, while timber production is available each year ranges from 9 million m3. Conditions in the field, some communities in the region Ciamis, Cilacap, Wonosobo and its surroundings, which during the planting paraserianthes, seems to be a worry to continue cultivating these plants. This was after, many of which attacked plants tumors sengon rust. Young trees and adult disease''meat''in the branches grow paraserianthes it, almost certainly will dry up and die. Meanwhile, so far there is no cure for the disease of plants. Anthocephalus cadamba''easy to grow in areas with a maximum altitude of 1300 meters above sea level, and does not require special treatment, tumors resistant to rust disease.


OVERVIEWAnthocephalus cadamba is one type of wood is growing very fast and can flourish in tropical forests with an altitude of 0000-1000 m Currently a mainstay Anthocephalus cadamba timber industry, including plywood, because Anthocephalus cadamba has several advantages compared with other timber plants including anather trees. From the results of trials that have been done, the power plant can be described Anthocephalus cadamba from several sides, including:
stem diameter can grow around 10 cm / yr
Anthocephalus cadamba a short production period - just 4-5 yearsTrunked cylinder with a very good level of alignment Does not require trimming because the branches will fall off the growth period itself (self purning)


GROWTHgrowth is very fast compared with other hardwoods, including when compared with anather trees, anthochephalus cadamba classified as pioneer plants sengon. It can be grown in clay, brown podzolic clay or rocky soil. So far free anthochephalus cadambapests and diseases, including rust tumor that is now being attacked anather trees.

anthochephalus cadamba stem traits and characteristics were: wood surface smooth and perpendicular direction, similar to creamy yellow meranti, stems easily peeled, dried, glued, timber free from eye defects 

anthochephalus cadamba is an easy crop to grow and develop does not require much special treatment in aquaculture


Anthochephalus cadamba cultivation will benefit a very lucrative if done seriously and correctly. Estimated in 4-5 years, 625 trees obtained from the sale of aged 4-5 years as many as 800-1000 m3 per ha. Anthochephalus cadamba price prediction on the upcoming five-year Rp 1.2 Million / m3. With the selling price of Rp1.2-million each m3 and 800 m3 of production, the turnover of the investment-Anthochephalus cadamba reached Rp960 million per ha. Currently the price per m3 Anthochephalus cadamba four-year-old reached Rp716.000; the age of five years, Rp837.000.


Always green. In the wild the tree can reach 45 m high with a diameter of more than 100 cm, while the free boundary of its branches reaching up to 25 m. At the age of 3 years can reach 17 m high with a diameter of 30 cm. Canopy shape like an umbrella with a branching system that is not circular with thick leaves with a length of 13-32 cm. Orange flowers are small, valvate meetings, round. Trunk straight cylindrical and does not buttress. The wood is creamy white to reddish brown.


Anthochephalus Cadamba plant to plant like gold, because the timber needs will continue to escalate, because this time the government banned the use of logs felled the result of natural forests, resulting in many industries closed due to shortage of wood supply, so in the future, Anthochephalus Cadamba  wood prices will continue increasing.





Aptesi Daerah

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