Monday, August 16, 2010


INTRODUCTION Bissmillahirrohmannirrohim, with  praises of Allah the Almighty and the peace of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW to behold, we are being started planting tree planting greening the  (Anthochephlus Cadamba) in the region Propinsi Propinsi West Java and Central Java. In line with the development environment in the era of globalization and the economic growth area in particular has led to people's purchasing power capacity needs - the needs, the needs of both primary and secondary nature. Potential and the need for forest products, especially wood (Anthochephlus Cadamba) starting from the surrounding area has become a destination market in both domestic and external economic developments affect the income of the community and in particular and the Indonesian people in general. The logical to meet the needs of primary and secondary, as the demand is not very important in meeting the needs of other sectors, has led us PT. KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA to develop and greening the environment by planting trees (Anthochephlus Cadamba) in agribusiness with a system of mutually beneficial results for farmers building manager or the environment. The concept of agribusiness wood  (Anthochephlus Cadamba) is a concept for the results that have been there with the assumption that the development of greening the medium agribusiness management system. However, look at the prospects and response and consumer produsen wood Anthochephlus Cadamba that have not closed the possibility of ruling that will lead to future expansion of agribusiness Anthochephlus Cadamba timber forest products as alternatives to class among the under or over who want agribusiness timber forest products as an alternative Anthochephlus Cadamba at all, especially among district to boost the economy without damaging the environment in the era of global warming. This is possible due to support human resources and natural areas in particular are supporting. Project agribusiness Anthochephlus Cadamba timber forest products by PT. KSATRIA PETA INDORAYA already started long ago. Initially proyek agribusiness to run according to pogress expected but the process we have further constraints money's management to be able to extend project agribusiness and finally the development of agribusiness sector timber forest products such Anthochephlus Cadamba hard to expansion.


Planting (Anthochephlus Cadamba)As for the location of timber planting Anthochephlus Cadamba current concern on the location of hills, the mountains of building farmer's land, where the location is very vulnerable to natural disasters such as floods, erosion, drought and locations where natural disasters often occur as a result of wild harvesting.

Aptesi Daerah

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